Browsing LP - Artikel Publikasi Internasional by Title
Now showing items 14-23 of 23
Farm Sustainability Assessment and Model: Achieving Food Security through the Food Estate Program in North Sumatra
(MDPI, 2023)Improving food crop production is critical for achieving food security. The Food Estate (FE) program initiated by the government seeks to accomplish this through extensive and intensive farming practices while taking ... -
Formulation and Preparation of Sweetened Condensed Milk with Omega-3 Enriched PKO as Milkfat Substitute
(International Oil Palm Conference, 2002-07) -
Generating DNA sequence data with limited resources for molecular biology: Lessons from a barcoding project in Indonesia
(Applications in Plant Sciences, 2018-05)The advent of the DNA sequencing age has led to a revolution in biology. The rapid and cost- effective generation of high- quality sequence data has transformed many fields, including those focused on discovering species ... -
Histological changes of cervical tumours following Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC treatment, and its impact on cytokine expression
(Elsevier-Science Direct, 2022-08-10) -
Marketing Efficiency of Red Chilli Pepper in North Sumatera Province
(IOP Publishing, 2020)This study aims to analyse the marketing of red chili pepper using price efficiency analysis. The data used is secondary data, namely time series data of monthly red chili pepper prices at the level of farmers, intermediate ... -
Pemilihan Jenis Tumbuhan Sumber Pakan dan Tempat Bersarang Kuskus (Phalanger sp.) di Cagar Alam Gunung Mutis, Nusa Tenggara Timur
(B I O D I V E R S I T A S, 2005-01)Research on feed plants selection and nesting site of cuscus (Phalanger sp.) was conducted in Nature Reserve of Gunung Mutis, West Timor, East Nusa Tenggara. The study was done in the montane rain forest with the altitude ... -
A phylogeny of Pouteria (Sapotaceae) from Malesia and Australasia
(CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2007-04)The genus Pouteria Aublet is a pantropical group and many of its species produce high-quality timber and edible fruit. In 1991, on the basis of morphological characters, Pennington combined the genus Planchonella Pierre ... -
Production of Trans Fat Free Shortening Using Palm Oil Fractions as Raw Materials
(International Oil Palm Conference, 2002-07)The use of animal fats as raw material for shortening production has been avoided because of low supply, and religious restriction of certain beliefs. The use of hydrogenated vegetable oils is also avoided because it ... -
Study of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Handling and Storage Process in Palm Oil Mills in an Effort to Improve CPO Quality and Reduce the Risk of Contaminants Formation
(Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021)Crude Palm Oil (CPO) is palm oil obtained from the extraction or compression process of oil palm fruit flesh and has not been purified. Palm oil is usually used for food, cosmetic industry, chemical industry, and animal ... -
The Tocol Content of Crude Palm Oil Based on the Level Ripeness and Their Relationship to the Quality and Their Stability
(IOP Science, 2018)Palm oil contain tocol and betacarotene which has an antioxidant function to protect the oil from oxidation process. Palm oil comes from different maturity have not been specifically determined their tocol and betacarotene ...