Now showing items 1-3 of 3
The Influence of Social Media Advertising on Purchasing Decisions at Startup Companies
(ALMANA - Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2021-04)
The era of globalization, better known as the Industrial Revolution, Era 4.0, makes all sectors change. We are starting to see massive efficiency where output becomes one of the targeted indicators. The maximum disclosure ...
Penyusunan Strategi Pemasaran Kolektif Komunitas Produk Kopi Di Kabupaten Samosir dengan Menggunakan Matriks SWOT dan Metode QSPM
(Media Bina Ilmiah, 2023-08-06)
Penelitian ini dilakukan di Samosir Coffee Synergy, untuk menyusun strategi pemasaran kolektif dengan mengetahui faktor internal dan eksternal dari Samosir Coffee Synergy guna membantu meningkatkan daya saing. Melalui ...
Analisis Brand Awareness Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Mehuli Kitchen Kabanjahe
(MAMEN (Jurnal Manajemen), 2023-04)
This study was conducted to determine the effect of Brand Awareness on purchasing decisions at Mehuli Kitchen Kabanjahe. The type of research used in this study is quantitative, which is used to examine certain populations ...