Mencari oleh Pengarang "Juhandi, Dany"
Contribution of Agricultural Sector Towards Regional Income Inequality of Sumatera Economic Corridor
Juhandi, Dany (lmu Pertanian (Agricultural Science), 2016-04)Finding of previous studies shows that Sumatera Economic Corridor is categorized as the highest income inequality. The Indonesian goverment enacts MP3EI (Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia Economic ... -
Contribution of Economic Sectors toward Regional Disparity of Indonesia
Juhandi, Dany (The 3rd Internasional Conference on Bussiness and Economics 2017, 2017)Regional disparity of Indonesia became an important issue during the presidency of Joko Widodo. One of the causes of this disparity is lack of economic resource mobility. Several infrastructure programs have been planned ... -
Development of Disadvantaged Districts Based on Pajale (Rice, Corn, and Soybean) in West Sumatera
Juhandi, Dany; Sembiring, Albert; Odang, Nilam Kemala (4th International Conference on Food and Agriculture Resources (FANRes 2018), 2018)The Government of Indonesia has regulated the acceleration of food self-sufficiency for rice, corn, and soybean (Pajale) through Minister of Agriculture Regulation No.14 of 2015. It is highly suggested that before the ... -
Does the Current Distribution of Fruit Commodities in North Sumatra Help to Enhance the Regional Economic Development?
Juhandi, Dany (ICE-BEES, 2021)Fruit commodity is one of the most imported agricultural commodities. However, the government did not pay enough attention to agricultural policies for this commodity. Farmers also prefer to plant food and plantation ... -
The Economic Development of Impoverished Provinces in Indonesia based on Pajale Commodities
Juhandi, Dany; Enre, Ambo (IOP Publishing, 2019)Indonesia has several provinces that have relatively high poverty rates. Those provinces are Papua, West Papua, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, and Gorontalo. The government through the Ministry of Agriculture issued policy ... -
The Effect of GRDP Sector Composition on Economic Growth in the Lake Toba Region
Juhandi, Dany; Odang, Nilam Kemala (Jurnal Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, 2021)This study aims to analyze the effect of 17 economic sectors on economic growth in the Lake Toba Region (KDT). The data used is secondary data in the form of times series from 2010 to 2019 with panel data analysis using ... -
Farm Sustainability Assessment and Model: Achieving Food Security through the Food Estate Program in North Sumatra
Juhandi, Dany (MDPI, 2023)Improving food crop production is critical for achieving food security. The Food Estate (FE) program initiated by the government seeks to accomplish this through extensive and intensive farming practices while taking ... -
Kebijakan Upsus Pajale: Mampukah Menambah Provinsi Basis Produksi Pajale?
Juhandi, Dany (HABITAT, 2019)Berbagai kebijakan untuk mencapai swasembada pangan sudah dilakukan sejak era pemerintahan Presiden Soekarno hingga Presiden Joko Widodo. Namun, hanya kebijakan era Presiden Soeharto yang mampu swasembada beras. Pada era ... -
Rencana Kebijakan dan Program Pembangunan Hortikultura Lahan Kering untuk Provinsi Sumatera Utara: Sudah Tepatkah?
Juhandi, Dany (AGRIMOR Jurnal Agribisnis Lahan Kering, 2021)Consumption of fruits and vegetables increases the demand of horticultural commodities but increasing of horticultural production is smaller than increasing of its demand so that imports are necessary to fill in these ...